Johnathon is an American painter and illustrator and has worked closely with fashion brands, galleries, fundraisers and start-ups.
"When I am asked to tell others about my work. I can not help but to feel a little, guarded, per se. Of course; there's the cliches of artists emotions and insecurities that are brought to light. However, it is a vital ingredient. If we did not feel this type of rawness or nakedness in our process they would not be translated to our viewers. From my artists perspective I think it is essential for viewers to understand that most of us who create do not necessarily have an agenda, themes, guidelines or blueprints before we lay a concept. I assure you I do not think of how I am going to explain what I am feeling to a complete stranger whilst in the process. In retrospect it would sometimes seem ideal for us to do so. Again, speaking for myself, I just do not believe that is the way we as humans are wired. Though I feel my art will mature and rapidly complex parallel to myself.What can be more powerful than an ability to create?... Alchemy at its finest. I think art helps us define the mysterious blurred line between our innate tendencies to unwind the mind and our self-responsibility to unearth our souls." -
Johnathon Michael Espinoza